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wonderful i cant wait for the next version.


Oh god i'm crying i love this vn so much😭😍


preaty good the animation is great and the story is wanderful please continue in what are you doing.

(1 edit)

Will this be available on Android? It seems to be a really good one and hoping to play it on my phone…

Done :)

Omg! Thank you so much! Now I can play more VN.

For future pc exclusive projects, you want to play on your phone, visit my profile! I found a method with a very high success rate.


Oh my god, that blatant Adastra reference sent me face first to the floor from my couch I was so surprised and amused!


I actually really like that, had pretty low expectation and was blown away. It was by no mean perfect but the writing was really good and love the humour.

Please tell me Leo (the Lion) is going to have a romanceable route/or be a love interest for us players. I REALLY like him. 


Down below a commenter asked "will there be an android version?" And your answer was "yeah sure, Ill upload it in a few hours :)"

Did something go wrong? Hopefully you can add it one day. :)

This be a cute one so far~

Love the game! Looking forward to more updates! c: 

This is good, better than a lot of visual novels I've seen.  You made me laugh outloud more then once.  You may want to use patreon to work on it.

(1 edit) (+3)

Love this game already! Left a good review ;)



Literally no one:

Phileo: Amacus, C a y t o e, and Casseasus

(love the adastra references they were funny)


I hope you will continue this game, the story I find it magnificent, and in my opinion, I am sure that you will be able to come out with a beautiful story and characters that you may also become attached to.

I really enjoyed playing this VN and it's got so much potential! I'm really looking forward to your next update! :) The story and the visuals are really engaging! Such pretty sprites o3o

In the 'Enter Your Name' screen, it might be a good idea to include the words 'Defaults To Ludus'. Later in my playthrough, the name changed back to Ludus from the name I had chosen. I was a little confused haha. 

Is the MC going to get a sprite or is that for us to imagine? 

Can't wait for your next update! :D

(3 edits) (+1)

Thank you! Everything will get a massive overhaul (sprites, ui, story pacing, more cg) but the mc will get his own cg, no sprite. Hopefully people will like how he looks :)


when will you update this vn a realy love it


This july or the first week of august :)


I just was sucked in and this made me so focused. The Characters are very lovable and the story fits well, emotional rollercoaster i love it.


I lowkey squeaked when I saw the Adastra references also this is soooo cute I had a big dopey grin on my face the entire time and I can't wait to see what happends next!


I really enjoyed this one. Can't wait for more. Will there be choices in the future?

(1 edit) (+4)

can we make Phileo "straight to gay" in the future updates?? if so then i'm looking forward for tehhh joooccyyy stoffs... OWO and is he dateable?




I really love the story so far!


you're game is kind of nostalgic for me, it's like i have seen all of this in my dream and i predicted that soon i'll play this but now im playing it haha its like my brain triggered a deja vu scenes here haha its like i have seen all the dialogues and what would happen

but keep on writing love your work.👁️👄👁️

(2 edits) (+2)

I really like this so far, keep up the good work! I do find the setting somewhat confusing, but that may be because there hasn't been enough world-building. There was also the use of the word "Human" in the flashback scene, which was a bit strange, due to the whole... furry society thing.


I hope u can make Android download game, I waiting can Android download it game 

(1 edit) (+2)

This game is really nice. I hope to see u writing more in the next update whenever the game updates again😁 the update gonna be a monthly update??

Thank you! the update will come around july or the first week of august. And yes, this will be a monthly update :)

Deleted 3 years ago

well if you are that unusure if the game passes the standard, for me it does and it really does.
I really enjoyed this game so far, it drew tears from me and also a lot of happiness

So really you are off a really great start ! ^^
(Sorry if i'm doing mistakes or say something that do not make any sens i'm still learning english ^^') 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you lots :) I'll be sure to make the initial build be more "proper" and steady paced since this one is still a prototype. So consider this one as a pilot to the series :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I cried and laughed so many times and it's only one day long. You clearly have a way with words that I love and I really hope to see more of it!

Thank you! :)


Really looking foward to this project! Also, is there any place we can follow you aside from itchio? Like twitter or FA?

I'm sorry, there isn't at the moment but I've yet to create one soon :)


just a short demo but i am hooked. really looking forward to what more to come


um.... does it already have a sex scene

omg no sorry xd


Deleted post

Like, what can I say about this? Just almost cried many times on this VN, it have the kind of balance between the humor and the sad things, with some references (like Amacus), I really enjoyed playing this VN, and I surely hope that it doesn't get discontinued, else I'll really cry. Sorry, dunno what else to say, so good luck with the writing! xD

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you heaps for the review!  I'll be sure to work on the writing and lots more to create the best experience possible :) I still got some tricks up my sleeve ;)


Man I absolutely LOVE the humor in the game haha, some scenes I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud!

The characters reaction and dialogue feel very real and natural!

I really REALLY look forward to future updates, keep up the amazing writing!


Thanks alot for the review! :) It's so motivating to hear such great responses :) I'll be sure to improve the writing and lots more to further enhance the experience :))


Not sure if this is an issue on my end, but I noticed your project doesn't have a thumbnail :o.

It's probably a good idea to add a picture so your project gets noticed by more people. <3


Oh, I actually haven't uploaded a thumbnail yet. Thank you c:


So far I am really enjoying this, really feels very slice-of-lifey and genuinely made me laugh a couple of times. Just a few small suggestions: while I liked the Adastra reference i do think it goes on too long and I am not sure how the creators feel about that; i enjoyed that your story is both very light and also hints at darker themes, but like another commenter pointed out, maybe fix the pacing a little so there is more time in between the funny vs sad moments. Overall I can't wait to see your progress in the future and hope this project turns out successful.

On an unrelated note, what are the VN's that inspired this game, or what are your favorite ones?


Thank you very much for your review! I'll try to do something about the reference of adastra, and ofcourse I'll rework the pacing of the game :) (These reviews are really giving me important insights and I'm learning a lot c:) 

VN's that inspired? The first vn i played was Extracur Activ. which had very enjoyable routes, Afterclass had great romantic chemistry aswell, and the linear story-line is adapted from Adastra (an incredible vn I had never seen before, the writing is fantastic). 

Mostly those popular titles, I like them all but Adastra just seems to "shine" out of all the genre Furry Visual novel. It showed how games of these genre can't just be stereotyped as explicit nsfw, It showed that games like these can also touch one's emotions in a beautiful way :)


The writing in this is really good and I did get really invested in the story, I like all the characters so far, my only critique for this visual novel is a small detail the fact that the main character never cleared up the fact that Phileo was forced to ask about the underwear with Leo, oh and the fact that sometimes the main characters name resets to Ludus at times. Other than that I love the story and characters so far, I am really exited for the next update!!


Thank you for your review! :D I'll see what I can do those small detail :))


Wow, I really like the character CGs. Just curious about the update time. Monthly or what? Look forward to the next build!

(5 edits) (+1)

I'll make it a regular 2 updates a month, 3 if I can. Tho, each update will be a chapter of the story (this one here is just chapt 1)and the length would be 15k words and above so thats pretty long, so the next update will contain story fixes along with chapter 2. Chapter 3 next update, and so on. :)

Btw thank you :)


good job with this vn i really like it.

thank you! :)

(1 edit) (+2)

first of all, i like the character interaction it has its cute, funny and sad moments, the story has a lot of potential but one thing that bothers me is the pacing of the story, its too fast in my opinion, like we get thrown a lot of key information from left and right simultaneously through out the game, i get that this is your first build and you want to tell the complexity of the story but we gets too much information on day 1 especially when this is a slice-of-life visual novel, in my opinion you can divide this first build to 3 days instead of just 1 to get a better pacing, like decide a key topic/information for each day and fill the rest of the day with the characters contemplating on that subject or fill it with a banter/skits or normal conversation between characters since its a slice of life vn.

other than that, the character sprites are nice, the music fits. 
i'm looking forward to the next update and what kind of improvements that you make later on. :D (sorry for my grammar btw, english is not my main language)


Wow, having great insights like these are incredibly helpful! Thank you! I'll definitely focus on improving the pacing and lots more. Again, thank you for such a good review! :)


also, would you like to join our furry visual novel community on discord where we discuss, give feedback, ask help and all that jazz with other developers and people?
here is the link if you are interested

Wow, I'd love to :) Thank you :))

Deleted 4 years ago

yeah sure, ill upload it in a few hours :)

(1 edit) (+3)

While I haven't had a chance to check out the game I felt a few comments were warranted. (These are meant to be constructive so please do not take anything I say negatively.)

You may want to modify the color scheme for this page. Specifically the orange text, as it's simply too difficult to read against the blue.

That second screenshot of yours may want to change as well, firstly because I'm unsure if you actually contacted the Echo team to use a blatant image from Adastra or not on that TV screen. (If you did good on you, if you didn't I recommend you do that... Now, as even if it's meant to be complimentary you can't just use their assets like that, at the very least they should be in your credits which would in no way substitute asking their permission.) 

Additionally censoring the curse words is an interesting writing choice especially if you do intend for this to be NSFW at some point. Especially when it's very easy to tell what the word is to begin with making the censorship pretty pointless overall. But I understand if it's just a deliberate choice on your end.

(1 edit)

thank you! I actually haven't contacted echo about using a screenshot about their game xd. I'm an avid fan myself so i thought little cameos would be alright. Ill update it asap.

you're right about the curse words. xddd

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