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Honestly this update just makes me want to sit in a corner and cry ;_;

the new title screen background music makin me cri :'( 

Hi i enjoyed all of the update really, its awesome but after reading the diary i got a black screen and nothing happend sooo its a bug or the end of the update?

no it shouldnt be like that. try reinstalling it


after the diary it will show a short clip of phileo under the rain

That scene, it made me feel I was watching an anime. Pure magic!

Can someone give me the screenshot of the phileo meme part, when the spanish couples are fighting. I really want it as a wallpaper LOL.

I see these things, is there something I can fix?

I never got the dialog when the screen turned black

aw darn ill have that fixed

just continue

Hey about that, try uninstalling the game first then download it again. It should work fine when you do.

Sorry for the long reply. I proceeded forward but I saved the game at that moment of the bug and when I reinstalled the game now it shows gray background with on top, centered text with "tableleo1", "tableleo2", "ludustare1" and "ludustare2".

My screen went completely black after reading the diary I dont know what to do


Does that mean it's the end of that session of the game

nope it's a bug

yea ill have that fixed soon

have you tried reinstalling? Or just wait for a few seconds after the black screen

is it an actual update?

para mim esta travando quando começam a falar, estranho

(2 edits) (+2)

This update is worth for the wait, so many emotions running inside me right now. You did really great on the story and man the background music it hit me too. This VN is worth my tears.


I honestly love the content of the writing, I've played too many VNs with too much dialoged (not that that's a bad thing, but) with very little substances but this VN has a good amount of dialogue that its full of meaningful text that achieves a past timeline of events that effects how the characters interact 

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i also rlly like the new title screen  

dang wow thanks ^^


I forgot it's still a comedy lol. Thanks for the laugh


It was worth the wait


Finally my prayers have been granted :D


when is the next pubic update for this game?


near the end of the month. maybe sooner if there is somekind of divine intervention


*casts Divine Intervention*

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*Supporting to make it stronger*

Makes me wanna cry cant wait for the next update, I was do surprised when I saw like 3 other vns here like after class and possibly nekojishi, loved it, but I still want to cry cause this is some emotional bs I need more lmao

Did you try playing Adastra? cuz dat vn is super emotional.

And after trying Adastra you should also try Echo. If Adastra didn't crush you, Echo will 

Adastra really made me go in tears. But Echo? Haven't played it yet. Have you tried playing Tennis Ace by the way?

Funny novel but i have a question it is just me or you purposely use backgrounds from the novel afterclass by andehp? Or the assets are just that common in vns?

It seems the author pretends to include crossovers and references from other VNs, there are some already scattered around the text.

can't wait to see more of this great story!


MM! tis some good VN, gives me after class vibes.
memories ahh. [tears of joy]

Thanks for making this man cant wait for more! Keep it up!! You have my respect.. A Pogging huge respeg ;)


esse jogo, me fez chorar, rir e ficar com raiva. PaRaBeNs nunca pensei que iria gostar de jogo tao fofo,

I'm still waiting for the next update I love this game


When is the next update? :<

this month


We need "SEASON 2"


For future players: This should probably be considered a kinetic novel. There's only one choice, and it's a false choice.

Is the game completed? I love the art in this game so much. It is so interesting


When is the next update

I cant run the game. Always crash


What's up people?, just let the writter do his magic and let's enjoy the show. What's the point on reading something that gives no surprises at all because we decided on every step of its course? Boring...

When's the next update coming?


I have a question where can i get the part 2 of this game 

Cause i just love the story


its not out yeeet

Why did I think yeet instead of yet? XD

I can't seem to run the game. It just crashed. I never experienced this before in another ren'py games. I believed it isn't Windows compatibility issues (I ran Windows 7, but some Windows 10 games still ran in my notebook.) I think it's an issue with the engine. This is the log:

I saw another person had the same issues from different game, i can't seem to find the fix but they said it's an issue from newest ren'py engine. I posted this to hope if someone figured the fix


That's odd. I'll have someone look further into it.

Thanks :D

I tried another ren'py games which was updated around February - March, and yes, every single of them crashed in my notebook. Homever i still can play the games from the older version. I hope someone found the fix for this issue, anyway, thanks for noticing this issue (although i believed it's the engine fault)

didn't you say you use windows 7? that system stopped having support more than 4 months ago, all the most recent programs including ren'py no longer run in windows 7 it is not something that the author can fix simply update your device to windows 10

I believed it's not because of the windows, apparently i happened most in windows 7, but i saw someone has this issue in win 10 x64 from another game. And to try again, i download a game which was just updated yesterday, it was made with Ren'py Engine v7.4.3.1414. And it finally works, i guess the engine update fixed the issue.

*Also sorry for misinformation, majority of the game crashed is the game that was updated in February, not February&March.

May i know if this game used the updated engine? If you can, i will be really grateful if you try to update the engine to v7.4.3.1414. I will try to run the game again. Thank you.

My PC only able to use Windows 7 because it lack of Windows 10 driver, not to mention that i already tried to upgrade to windows 10, but what i get is chaotic lag.


This update is so good! I can't wait to play a new version.


Wow, this visual novel is a real trip! I loved all that references and places from other visual novels. The music is of such a good taste, and the scenes and succession of events are really spot on! I had to pause many times just to enjoy the music and the scenery. And I had to stand up more than once to try and stop laughing, breathless, at the brink of fainting. Also, the sound fxs really increase the impact of every event. And the characters are so lovable! Phileo is especially cute xD

Keep the awesome work! Eventually more vn freaks (like myself) will get to know this jewel!


References to Adastra, kingdom hearts, after class, final fantasy and probably more I havent found. Love the classical music and seems very good. Sometimes I feel like the writing is a bit all over the place and I lose myself but the art and the chars are very endearing. When do you update the game? I've run out of VN Im going crazy. Im addicted xD

And Lustful Desires hehe

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I didnt play lustful desires.

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Yeah, I assumed that much ;-)

BTW, the tail and paw in Leo's pants is similar to Nekojishi's logo xD

Yeah I really should work on the pacing more, thanks for this~

But its awesome anyway even with the fast pace. Cant wait to have more I need more Leo in my life :P

Just came across this game. Looks amazing! Finished it in one sitting. The references to After Class tho. :o


I love this vn so much so far it has drama, romance, comedy, its amazing

Will be there an update on the game? if so i cant wait >w<


So if Phileo is the main love interest to the MC what's the point of Leo?

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Exactly! I also was hoping the MC would get a chance to romance Leo... Only to get disappointed by the fact the we don't get to choose, the love interest is predetermined to be Phileo. Feels like a forced choice... (If we can call it a "choice") 


if i answer this question, the entire game will be spoiled up to the very end.

But i will say this; you will get to romance him, and you will play as the next mc while you do.

the story doesn't end with Phileo. In fact, the game will be continuing with different characters and their own story.

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but it will take some time before you get to the part where you can romance Leo. So you can wait until then or whatnot.


I'm not really gonna complain im still shock when you joke about canceling aptch 


Will there be a route with leo or just Philo bc they are both hot and I want to join leo in the shower ngl👀👀




Someone else will dick down Leo. Leo will have his own route in his own story.


And you've already seen this guy who will dick down Leo, too.


In his OWN story huh... Wdym by that??


After phileo's story is done, Leo will have his own route, but his love interest will not be the MC


Wait. What!!?


I really like your game!! It's so wholesome and with some of dramatic. I'm cheering for you!

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